Saturday, October 30, 2004

Keep it clean...

Wahoo! Finished the "Living Room Project" today. Walls painted, pictures hung, dust cleaned off stuff... man.. it feels good. Eerything's clean in here. It sucked living like poor white trash for that week.

Y wanted the cuckoo clock on a different wall. That's gonna blow my mind for months. I'm one of those who gets used to where a clock is, and just automatically stare at that spot to see what time it is. I'll be glancing at a blank wall while hearing the ticking behind me.

I have plans to put in 80 miles on the bike tomorrow....what the hell... there's a guy on tv in the other room talking about his church services..."people get baptised, people get saved, we have a great altar service..." Had to pry the remote from Y's sleeping hand and silence that Christian putz. Anyway, 80 miles on the Nishiki. It'll probably be around 5.5 hours of having a bike stuck up my butt. I hope the wind dies down. We should get extra credit for riding in wind.

All's quiet here on the home front... time to still the keyboard.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Oh Dear God... he's gone and done it...

Well, here it is. I can't believe I've caved in and gotten the dreaded "blog" Just goes to show you how big a sheep I am. I mainly did it out of boredom. I've been filling holes in the walls, sanding, and painting all frigging morning. There's still so much more to do, and I want to get the old Nishiki out and ride about 30 miles. Fast. Maybe after another beer. Stroh's is good.

I guess I really should put on some sensible bike clothes and shake the Nishiki down. Just got a new freewheel and chain. I've ridden it about a mile since I picked it up the other day. And I'm riding 100 miles next Sunday. I guess I'd better practice.

Dammitall... wish me luck.