Friday, October 09, 2009

Hey, It's Friday!

Not that that means anything to me, being unemployed and all. Anyway, I'm having a good day. Working on the new laptop and learning Windows 7. So far, it's very, very good. I'm suffering through installing my software and learning how the interface works.

I probably should go in the other room and pick up the classical guitar. I need to keep the old fingers limber for the gig next weekend. I think I've pissed off some people on It's a classical guitar players forum. Someone was bragging about the sense of accomplishment they felt from being able to tune their guitar without using an electronic tuner. I allowed as to how if you can't tune by ear, you probably shouldn't be calling yourself a musician. Well, that started a firestorm. Really.

Anyway, I have better things to do than to type today.


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